Ayase Minori

Results 80 comments of Ayase Minori

UI scaling is more of a browser side issue, you can just zoom out if needed since VS Code supports scaling by default.

> @nhooyr > i didn't know about ios > @sr229 > pinch to zoom works > but how can i do when i want to make it smaller > >...

Must be how v2 has changed something, I'll check it out later

Yeah I haven't reflected the new changes I made yet, will push tomorrow.

We can all learn a little from [copy/v86](https://github.com/copy/v86).

I don't believe the debloating script has something to do with this, as display controls are provided by the Windows Driver of your OEM, note this also does not affect...

@copy this could be done using Service Workers, as #219 would complement that

ChromeOS apps will be deprecated soon - consider closing this issue.

Reminder v86 emulates only x86 instruction sets, I don't see why would we emulate x86_64 since its more modern and techincally you can just grab a whole PC today