Ayase Minori

Results 87 comments of Ayase Minori

For complete assurance of reproduction, use the official [Ubuntu Playground](https://katacoda.com/courses/ubuntu/playground) by Katacoda.

@nathanpotter for Katacoda, its UID/GID 0

Feel free to @roberthmiller, this will help us reach a greater audience if we can get this to work right now.

@nathanpotter we don't need the docker logs, the logs alone above already tells the issue. Looks like the code-server binary has no executable permissions. Probably an error in how it...

@deansheather WSL is just translation layer for the Linux syscalls to the NT syscalls, I think we should only support WSL2 since Windows will be using a entire kernel by...

It'll be hard to get some CI running, you'll need to make a virtual camera facility working first before we can add this one.

You guys never fail to amaze me.

``brill-pos-tagger`` seems to have a broken logger.

I think we can further extend this by adding User Roles within a workspace, which grants them specific actions in the workspace. This is proven effective with Cloud9's Live Collab