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Spring Framework

Results 529 spring-framework issues
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## Deliverables - [ ] Document when `RequestEntity.getUrl()` throws an `UnsupportedOperationException` in its Javadoc. - [ ] Include a meaningful exception message in the thrown `UnsupportedOperationException`. ## Related Issues -...

in: web
type: enhancement

We noticed a strange behavior in WebMVC when working with empty files: We had some empty files in a classpath location configured in `org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer#addResourceHandlers` When running the application locally using...

for: team-attention
status: waiting-for-triage

## Overview Now that we can process an application context for AOT optimizations, we'd like to extend that feature by providing support in other parts of the portfolio. One that...

in: test
type: enhancement
theme: aot

## Overview Several existing tests as well as examples in the reference manual refer to Nashorn as the supported `ScriptEngine` for JavaScript; however, Nashorn is no longer supported since Java...

type: documentation
in: web
type: task
in: core

Preamble: I have been sent here by @schauder in spring-data-relational in regards to https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-relational/issues/1300. Currently `JdbcTemplate` does not support `SELECT` statements that use the `VALUES` keyword. Here is an example...

in: data
type: enhancement

Hello, websockets with webflux don't work on native-image. I'm using [this code](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-aot-smoke-tests/blob/main/webflux-netty/src/main/java/com/example/webflux/WebsocketConfig.java) to create a websocket. This works on JVM in AOT mode, but fails in native-image with: ``` 2022-08-03T15:41:22.605+02:00...

status: waiting-for-triage

**Affects:** 5.3.22 --- #### Feature Request: When using `@RecordApplicationEvents`, currently the `ApplicationEventsHolder` uses a `ThreadLocal` to save published events. Can this be extended to also retrieve events across all threads?...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: test
type: enhancement

Temporarily set LocaleContextHolder to provide validation message interpolator with locale context (SPR-17231). Fixes #21764.

status: waiting-for-triage
in: web
type: enhancement

Using Spring Boot 2.4.0 and Web MVC, when a client closes the connection before the server completes the response transmission, regular request handlers (e.g., `@GetMapping`) don't log any failures regarding...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: web
status: feedback-provided

There is one in Spring Boot that can move into the Spring Framework. `DataSize` even has a parse method so it should be just a matter of adapting to `Converter`.

type: enhancement