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Spring Framework

Results 529 spring-framework issues
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## Overview We can reduce the amount of generated proxy configuration and the native footprint by avoiding inclusion of unused annotation proxy classes in the native images. ## Rationale Annotations...

in: core
type: enhancement
theme: aot

## Overview `ApplicationContextAotGenerator` currently does not support a target component for the name of the generated `ApplicationContextInitializer`. This is sufficient if you are processing a single `ApplicationContext` for AOT. It's...

in: test
in: core
theme: aot

Very similar to #27517, but it looks like this issue has not been fixed for the `Path` variant of `DataBufferUtils.write`, the following code (similar to the example snippet from #27517...

status: waiting-for-triage

**Affects:** Spring 5.3.21 This is somewhat related to #26321 - Spring using kotlin serialization over jackson (but not the same, as that's for WebMVC). In Reactive Web, Kotlin classes that...

status: waiting-for-feedback
status: waiting-for-triage
in: web
in: kotlin

`@Cacheable` doesn't work in native-image. There is no exception, the annotated method is called multiple times, while as on the JVM, it's only called once. You can observe this in...

in: core
theme: aot

It seems there isn't a way to provide a custom `Json` or set config on `Json` for the `KotlinSerializationJsonDecoder` Spring Framework 5.3.14 Workaround: ```kotlin @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false) class InitConfiguration {...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: web
status: feedback-provided
in: kotlin

Sometime the data for payload method argument is optional and we cover that with a `@Payload(required = false)`. It would be nice if this `PayloadMethodArgumentResolver` would treat a `@Nullable payload`...

status: waiting-for-triage

**Affects:** 5.3.20 --- [httpclient](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient) was last updated on Oct 06 2020 and was superseded by [httpclient5](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.httpcomponents.client5/httpclient5) which is being actively maintained. See the upgrade guide [here](https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-5.1.x/migration-guide/index.html). The `HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory` class relies...

for: team-attention
status: waiting-for-triage

**Affects:** 5.3.7 --- Imagine a configuration like that: ```java // module A depends on module B @Configuration @Import(ConfigB.class) public class ConfigA { @Bean public SomeBean someBean() { return new SomeBean();...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: core

`DefaultPersistenceUnitManager` is quite classpath-scanning centric. With AOT, we'd like to invoke the scanning of the classpath at build-time and generate a representation of the entities that should be contributed in...

in: data
type: enhancement
theme: aot