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Spring Framework

Results 633 spring-framework issues
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When a Spring Bean is named exactly like the spring boot application class a `NoSuchBeanDefinitionException` is thrown. The error message is quite confusing because a bean of the specific type...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: core

This is a follow-up of what we've discovered as part of #28748 If a `BeanDefinition` has a `ResolvableType` that contains a generic we'll generate code for the raw class. Getting...

type: enhancement
theme: aot

**Affects:** 5.3.1 Relates to #23107 Basically, I have the exact same feeling as the author did but he never clarified his point. You can validate a DTO using `@Valid` annotation...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: web

Reactor Netty 2.0 milestones are already tracking Netty 5, see https://github.com/reactor/reactor-netty/issues/1873 and related issues. We need to add server side adapters and a client connector for the same in the...

in: web
type: enhancement

Netty 5 introduced a new `Buffer` API, replacing Netty 4's `ByteBuf`. We should support this new API through our `DataBuffer` abstraction. New methods and abstractions might be required to capture...

type: enhancement

**Affects:** 5.3.15 As introduced by https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/19901 and mentioned in https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/22735 it _is_ expected that a collection type in a factory constructor provides an empty collection. Thus the following will occur...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: core

The invocation of `MergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessor` instances is currently happening has part of bean instantiation https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/ae6a464a80507c63a84cc86c4e711107b097e168/spring-beans/src/main/java/org/springframework/beans/factory/support/AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java#L574-L586: For AOT, we need to invoke these upfront so that the bean definition has all the...

in: core
type: enhancement
theme: aot

**Affects:** 5.3.19 --- The following exception appeared in our central error logging. I don't know what the input URL was exactly; unfortunately the following stack trace is all the information...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: web

This commit deprecates `CookieGenerator` in favor of a more modern alternative in `ResponseCookie`. --- Ideally, all Framework generated cookies should be consistent is sense they use the same infrastructure for...

status: waiting-for-triage

These days, theme switching is purely CSS based and does not really benefit from some special support on the server side. See [this guide](https://css-tricks.com/a-complete-guide-to-dark-mode-on-the-web/) as an example. With that in...

in: web
type: enhancement