See https://github.com/diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent/issues/44#issuecomment-1345451710 - probably it will help.
Sorry for necromancy, but I think I've found a root cause of this. There are really two users inside of the container: - `USR_ID:GRP_ID` - used for rtorrent - `nginx:nginx`...
@fmiguelmmartins on the host. Compose file: ``` rtorrent-rutorrent: image: diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent:latest-alpine volumes: - /home/user1/downloads:/downloads ``` Permissions: ``` >ls -lad /home/user1/downloads/ drwxr-xr-x 6 user1 user1 4096 Dec 11 2022 /home/user1/downloads/ ``` So...