rtorrent-rutorrent copied to clipboard
Webserver user doesn't have read/write/execute
[09.05.2016 06:28:04] Webserver user doesn't have read/write/execute access to the torrents directory. You cannot add torrents via ruTorrent. (/downloads/.rutorrent/users/danny/torrents)
[09.05.2016 06:28:04] Webserver user doesn't have read/write/execute access to the settings directory. ruTorrent settings cannot be saved. (/downloads/.rutorrent/users/danny/settings)
@dannymichel could you please provide more details? how did you run the container and where?
OS X home?
The error isn't present when 'enable volumes' is off. Still is an issue
@dannymichel "OS X home" is very funny. But I've been asking about docker run command parameters. By default the container uses 1000:1000 as uid:gid, if you do not have user with 1000:1000 on your host, you should specify different uid:gid via USR_ID and GRP_ID env vars.
I'm having this same issue even though I've verified and set the USR_ID, and GRP_ID env vars to the user who's Downloads directory I'm mapping the docker volume to.
[02.07.2016 17:04:10] WebUI started. [02.07.2016 17:04:11] Webserver user doesn't have read/write/execute access to the torrents directory. You cannot add torrents via ruTorrent. (/downloads/.rutorrent/users/jim/torrents) [02.07.2016 17:04:11] Webserver user doesn't have read/write/execute access to the settings directory. ruTorrent settings cannot be saved. (/downloads/.rutorrent/users/jim/settings) [02.07.2016 17:04:11] rTorrent user must have read/execute access to the torrents directory. You cannot add torrents via ruTorrent. (/downloads/.rutorrent/users/jim/torrents) [02.07.2016 17:04:11] rTorrent user must have read/write/execute access to the settings directory. (/downloads/.rutorrent/users/jim/settings) [02.07.2016 17:04:11] rutracker_check: Plugin will not work. Webserver user must have execute access to the rtorrent session directory (/downloads/.rtorrent/session/). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] _task: Some functionality will be unavailable. rTorrent user can't access external program (pgrep). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] autotools: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] create: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] datadir: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] history: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] loginmgr: Some functionality will be unavailable. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] ratio: Some functionality will be unavailable. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] retrackers: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] rss: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] rutracker_check: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] scheduler: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] trafic: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] unpack: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] mediainfo: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (mediainfo). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] rss: Some functionality will be unavailable. rTorrent user can't access external program (curl). [02.07.2016 17:04:11] screenshots: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (ffmpeg).
The downloads folder has 777 permissions and I still get all the above errors.
Using this docker command
sudo docker run -dt --name rtorrent-rutorrent -p 8080:443 -p 49160:49160/udp -p 49161:49161 -v ~/Downloads:/downloads -e USR_ID=1000 -e GRP_ID=1000 -e PHP_MEM=1024M diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent:64
Anyone know any fixes for Docker Enterprise on Windows Server 2017 I don't have any problems with webserver mounts, only the /Downloads directory by the rtorrent user.
Chmod and ownership to the folders don't assist. Only affects folders of which are shared from the Host Computer
@diameter I have the same issue. docker run -dt --name rtorrent-rutorrent -p -p 49160:49160/udp -p 49161:49161 -v ~/test:/downloads diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent:latest
use Caddy as reverse proxy for https and no auth when Caddyfile like this https://example.com { proxy / } It will cause
[13.08.2018 18:00:31] Webserver user doesn't have read/write/execute access to the torrents directory. You cannot add torrents via ruTorrent. (/downloads/.rutorrent/torrents) [13.08.2018 18:00:31] Webserver user doesn't have read/write/execute access to the settings directory. ruTorrent settings cannot be saved. (/downloads/.rutorrent/settings) [13.08.2018 18:00:31] rTorrent user must have read/execute access to the torrents directory. You cannot add torrents via ruTorrent. (/downloads/.rutorrent/torrents) [13.08.2018 18:00:31] rTorrent user must have read/write/execute access to the settings directory. (/downloads/.rutorrent/settings)[13.08.2018 18:00:31] history: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
use Caddy as reverse proxy for https and basicauth when Caddyfile like this https://example.com { proxy / basicauth / abc 123456 } It will cause Webserver user doesn't have read/write/execute access to the torrents directory. You cannot add torrents via ruTorrent. (/downloads/.rutorrent/users/abc/torrents) ...... ......
It seems nginx always get a user from browsere then passes to rtorrent rutorrent and php,even if the user doesn't exist. I doubt it whether it is related to nginx configuration.
I'm getting the same probem, but I'm not running a container. I have Linux on Raspberry.
See https://github.com/diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent/issues/44#issuecomment-1345451710 - probably it will help.