Slavi Pantaleev

Results 21 issues of Slavi Pantaleev

I'm trying to input Japanese text and it's not being inserted into the textarea at all. # Demo Below is a screenshot of how [the demo]( is affected as soon...

This is similar to #159. In this case, we don't discuss running without federation, but rather running with restricted federation settings (using `federation_domain_whitelist`). Servers that enable federation but only with...

help wanted

### The Problem I'm in a room with 5-6 people and have enabled the **message bubbles** feature. Each message is in its own bubble which has a background color. The...


I'm trying the `0.9.1` Docker image. Configuration is like this: ``` admin_api_shared_secret: MySecret allow_cors: false base_url: /matrix-registration client_logo: static/images/element-logo.png client_redirect: https://element.DOMAIN db: postgresql://matrix_registration:password@matrix-postgres:5432/matrix_registration host: logging: disable_existing_loggers: false formatters: brief:...


Because nix is used to build the container image, it's not easy to run alembic. For `0.9.1`, the `alembic` binary happens to be at `/nix/store/lcbqvdllxb7lnrk85zq4pdl63yxdbb4z-python3.8-alembic-1.4.2/bin/alembic`. Seems like we need to...


Related to: matrix-corporal support for this will come a bit later, because: - the old API endpoints still work. Using the new endpoints may fail on older versions of...

At [matrix-docker-ansible-deploy]( we're trying to upgrade from the unofficial Slack bridge Docker image we were using (`cadair/matrix-appservice-slack:latest`) to the official one (`matrixdotorg/matrix-appservice-slack:release-1.0.2`). For now, we'd like to migrate to some...


The way Docker health checks work is: 1. The container is started 2. Docker waits a full healthcheck `interval` 3. A healthcheck is made. If OK, mark as healthy The...

I'm protected my Syncthing installation with HTTP Basic Auth at the reverse-proxy level (Traefik), so Syncthing complaining that its own HTTP Basic Auth protection is not enabled is annoying and...


Due to .. serving at a different subpath (`e.g. DOMAIN/dimension/`) means that the index page loads, but all resources are attempted to be loaded from the wrong place (`DOMAIN/asset`...