Slavi Pantaleev

Results 202 comments of Slavi Pantaleev

Is this a regression with some new version of Flask? It's been working fine for me and I've never encountered any issue. Nor have I heard of anyone else report...

Can we see that other code, where you do the `register_object` stuff?

Maybe this is helpful? :

You can use the method proposed by @rrb5068 in #6. To summarize it: it involves passing a 3rd parameter to `Sijax.request()`, which gets merged with the standard `jQuery.ajax` parameters. The...

I'm not at all against documenting the CSRF and Sijax situation. I agree that it'd be nice if CSRF is mentioned (the least we could do). If a few ways...

@Midnighter, that's great. Any changes are welcome!

Looks good. Thanks for your contribution - it points people in the right direction. We can possibly make it easier to pass the token for all requests and then make...

Fedora is not currently supported. We need to do some changes in `roles/server-base/tasks/`. If you'd like to do this yourself, you can take inspiration from the [matrix-docker-ansible-deploy]( project's [matrix-base]( role...

Wow, this is a huge PR! Thank you for spending so much time and effort to get Let's Encrypt DNS challenge support into the playbook! I gave this a quick...

This is probably a regression since We've seen reports of the same thing in the past as well. If you run `--tags=setup-all,start` again, it may work. This should be...