
Results 23 comments of Jade

Stable version of the gradle wrapper validation action has has been released

> I'm not a fan of this. The current API isn't verbose, there isn't an intuitive mapping of operators to compositions, and abusing operators here _decreases_ readability if anything. I...

Should we resolve warnings in third party utils? A large amount of the warnings appear to be from third party libraries

Yeah I 100% agree with that assesment I do a huge amount of group programming work which means lots of my code is in forks and I believe a lot...

@rickstaa thank you for explaining that I hope that some of those issues can be adressed by github!

Idk if I should rename this but right now there is no wait(double) it's waitSeconds(double) purely because my lsp only renamed the overload... ![image](https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/assets/114076356/161f51fc-4899-426b-a2ce-58318f4f0f2e)

If something like this is done it could also be good to pull source files back as well. That would provide an easy way to use something like [this](https://github.com/wpilibsuite/GradleRIO/issues/135)