Soubhik Chatterjee

Results 9 issues of Soubhik Chatterjee

I have managed to get my ionic app in the "Share List" in ios, but my problem is the code you mentioned in the "Usage" section of the readme, I...

This may not be a form-data issue but i couldnt find any other way to seek help, hence posting it here. I was following [this][1] article to setup a nodejs...

I am using the following code to run a cronjob every minute, I copied the corn expression from but it does not seem to console.log() every 1 minute. ```...

Is it possible to validate a field to make the key mandatory but allow empty string in it? The `required` validation does check for the existence of a key but...

There are 2 scenarios (Example2 and Example 3) in the code below where I expect the validator to behave in a certain way but it doesn't. For eg, - in...

## Package version 7.2.1 ## Node.js and npm version Node: v12.4.0 npm: 6.13.7 ## Sample Code (to reproduce the issue) Following code works: ``` const rules = { username: [...

Error when trying to encode Vietnamese chars > InvalidCharacterError > at /home/runner/invalidlatin/node_modules/base-64/base64.js:23:36 > at Object. (/home/runner/invalidlatin/node_modules/base-64/base64.js:165:2) > at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1133:30) > at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1153:10) > at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:977:32) > at...

I am using nedb in one of my projects. It seems to be matching my needs so far. I see one issue though, when trying to delete a record, instead...

* **Node.js Version**: v14.4.0 * **OS**: MacOS 10.14.6 * **Scope (install, code, runtime, meta, other?)**: Code * **Module (and version) (if relevant)**: connect-busboy 0.0.2 I was following [this][1] article to...
