cordova-plugin-openwith-ios copied to clipboard
How to use this plugin in Ionic 3?
I have managed to get my ionic app in the "Share List" in ios, but my problem is the code you mentioned in the "Usage" section of the readme, I have copied the entire code in the constructor of my home.ts file but typescript is complaining with an error message "[ts] Cannot find name 'cordova'."
Please tell me how can i use this plugin in my Ionic 3 app?
Many thanks in advance.
hey @soubhikchatterjee the way to use it in Ionic 3 is to use: (<any>window).plugins
instead of cordova
. For example:
this: (<any>window).plugins.openwith.setLoggedIn(true); Instead of: corodva.openwith.setLoggedIn(true);
I know this works, but i'm getting this other error: "The executable was signed with invalid entitlements".
If you manage to make it work please let me know and help. Thanks.
"declare let cordova;" on the top of file