Sören Wacker

Results 78 comments of Sören Wacker

Does anyone know how to fix it?

I tried: `pip install ruamel.yaml` However: > celery_worker | File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/drf_yasg/codecs.py", line 7, in celery_worker | from ruamel import yaml celery_worker | ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ruamel' It seems ruamel...

`import ruamel.yaml as yaml` works.

The uploader is working beautifully though. Good work!

I would like to help, but I have no idea where to start. Is there a description on how to setup the development environment?

Hi, please consider writing the test for the flowjs branch!?

The flowjs branch is using a different library. I added a pull request where multi-file upload is working. However, there are not tests yet. I hope the test you write...

Is this related to these messages when uploading multile files? > INFO:werkzeug: - - [15/Sep/2021 10:38:33] "POST /API/resumable?resumableChunkNumber=1&resumableChunkSize=1048576&resumableCurrentChunkSize=1048576&resumableTotalSize=14043146&resumableType=&resumableIdentifier=14043146-EC_B1mzXML&resumableFilename=EC_B1.mzXML&resumableRelativePath=EC_B1.mzXML&resumableTotalChunks=13&upload_id=4e49f94a-1643-11ec-923b-107b44934408 HTTP/1.1" 405 -

I am getting this messages when uploading multiple files. I wonder if this is the same issue or something new.