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Rqueue aka Redis Queue [Task Queue, Message Broker] for Spring framework

Results 13 rqueue issues
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Hi @sonus21 : our team have a problem when using Rqueue that some message had missing . I double that is our properties file config not correct, cause we don't...

**What's not working?** RqueueMessageManager.deleteMessage(queueName, Id) not deleting the message from the Queue, I basically call it but if I call RqueueMessageManager.getMessage() is still there afterwards While RqueueMessageManager.deleteAllMessages(queueName) does work **What're...


**What's not working?** it doesn't display any data except static content when we go to /rqueue it doesn't display any data except static content when we go to /rqueue//utility and...

We had originally implemented a scheduler using your library with Redis elasticache in AWS with cluster mode disabled. Every thing seemed to work out great. For context, our service in...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Messages in the queue don’t have the option to have a group id to signal them for fifo execution **Describe...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** For now we're able to fetch multi messages using `batchSize`, and single message will be passed to executor. **Describe the...


**What's not working?** ![image](https://github.com/sonus21/rqueue/assets/16426260/3385016f-6a96-4251-b105-ef935c413061) A clear and concise description of what the bug is. My code is the same as the example code **What're application dependencies ?** - Rqueue Version:...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Imagine I have a dynamic pool of containers that fluctuate in number. I need to guarantee that tasks from the...

Hello, I've just added rqueue to my project dependency. Looks perfect, though I've noticed incompatibility with Jackson-databind latest version (2.16.0 at this time). Works perfectly with 2.15.3

Lets say we have 4 producer (of same instance) who are en-queuing messages to a queue. There are 4 consumer (of same instance) with concurrency limit set to 20-25 in...