rqueue icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rqueue copied to clipboard

message missing issue?

Open ethfun opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

Hi @sonus21 : our team have a problem when using Rqueue that some message had missing . I double that is our properties file config not correct, cause we don't set
queue.scheduled-queue: true but I cannot found where using it , how does it work?

ethfun avatar Aug 11 '22 04:08 ethfun

In the latest Rqueue version we do not have to set queue.scheduled-queue as due to retry, messages are pushed to scheduled queue.

Would you be able to share more details about message missing?

sonus21 avatar Aug 11 '22 04:08 sonus21

Spring Boot Rqueue version


does this version need set queue.scheduled-queue:true ? and I want to know how does it work?

according to log analysis, sending message total count is 17, but consuming message total count is 12. and we also check tasksSuccessful count

ethfun avatar Aug 11 '22 04:08 ethfun

No, this version does not require setting queue.scheduled-queue:true, https://sonus21.medium.com/introducing-rqueue-redis-queue-d344f5c36e1b

Can you log the job id and see if it's getting consumed or not? Also, check the scheduled queue to see if messages are in the scheduled queue.

sonus21 avatar Aug 11 '22 09:08 sonus21