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Service-Level Concurrency Control

Open pavelnemirovsky opened this issue 3 months ago • 1 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Imagine I have a dynamic pool of containers that fluctuate in number. I need to guarantee that tasks from the queue are executed with consistent concurrency across the entire service, rather than on a per-application basis.

Describe the solution you'd like I would like Rqueue to monitor the total number of tasks executed on a per-queue basis and ensure that the number of tasks executed concurrently aligns with the predefined limit for each queue (at the service level).

Describe alternatives you've considered Create a specialized concurrency controller to oversee the total number of tasks executed across the service. For example, an implementation that utilizes Redis INCR/DECR commands.

Additional context I apologize for opening a feature request; perhaps I didn't understand how to implement it based on the provided example. Thank you for your assistance.

pavelnemirovsky avatar Feb 18 '24 08:02 pavelnemirovsky