For me (on Debian unstable) my Haskell project builds with `nix build` (never the problem) but I still get the following error with `nix run`: ``` SDLCallFailed {sdlExceptionCaller = "SDL.Video.createRenderer",... I think it's because of an API-breaking change in Brick.
I got things to work by simply by making a `cabal.project`: ``` packages: *.cabal allow-newer: libjwt-typed:base, libjwt-typed:text ``` ... instead of using `--allower-newer`, which would present an issue with a...
@marcin-rzeznicki done! You may want to run tests on it, because I have not. Please see commit notes.
Thank you, this makes sense to me. Maybe you can add section of readme for notable projects which may be useful for others, if I do decide to make a...