
Results 49 issues of ZeBen

Why is it unable to find the versions it listed previously ? ![image](https://github.com/dotnet/cli-lab/assets/190756/f82a6817-32b2-4430-a264-f23bfdc0a272) What am i doing wrong ?

There is a maui branch, is it working ? Is there any plan to switch to use the Background property instead ?

Hello !! Thank you for that project, it's so useful. I want to update the zerotier container running on a remove device. The issue is, I'm using the zerotier network...

**Describe the bug** For some reason [this method](https://docs.opencv.org/4.8.0/d8/d01/group__imgproc__color__conversions.html#ga8e873314e72a1a6c0252375538fbf753) cvtColorTwoPlane, available since opencv v3 is not bound: ** OS / Platform ** all ** .Net version ** Xamarin ** Emgu CV...

**Describe the bug** Since a couple of year there is a new version of SolvePnPRansac with an UsacParams, which, given to the litterature, gives much better results and faster. "New"...

**Describe the bug** I'm searching for this method "recoverPose" described in the opencv doc: https://docs.opencv.org/4.6.0/d9/d0c/group__calib3d.html Do you know why it would be missing in EMGU and how I can get...

**Describe the bug** I used Features2DToolbox.DrawMatches() to draw side by side on an image the matches between 2 sets of feature points (obtained from flann and orb, but that is...

### Description There is no more overload of UseSkiaSharp(true), and the handler for SKGLView is not registered anymore. This is a regression, or is there a breaking change I missed...


### Library version used 4.60.0 ### .NET version net8-android ### Scenario PublicClient - mobile app ### Is this a new or an existing app? The app is in production, and...


Hi again, i installed and am using homebridge with your NUT plugin successfully. However, when the UPS power switches on battery, the ios Home app displays a notification only when...