
Results 49 issues of ZeBen

Hey again ! 😀 I have a msbuild Target which calls the obfuscar tool on the assemblies output of a build (in AfterBuild). I can't get it to work fully...

I would like to animate a skinned button state change (fade in push skin fade out normal skin). For this uniform needs one or more callback delegates / custom events...

new feature

(would be an improvement)

Please replace this incorrect code which triggers app freeze when real async image sources are used (like SvgImageSource from https://github.com/softlion/XamSvg-Samples). Replace in https://github.com/NAXAM/mapbox-xamarin-forms/blob/master/Naxam.Mapbox.Platform.Droid/Extensions/ImageSourceExtensions.cs ``` return handler? .LoadImageAsync(source, context).Result; ``` With...

### Description From a mac, with visual studio mac, trying to debug a maui app on an iOS device shows this log: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/190756/191183724-354c3577-b9ec-4b12-ad5f-952d0119660e.png) The app tries to connect to the...


Google play automated tests found a problem with blur view on Pixel2 device, which crashes the app: Any clue ? ``` java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Software rendering doesn't support hardware bitmaps at android.graphics.BaseCanvas.onHwBitmapInSwMode(BaseCanvas.java:550)...

help wanted

### Description of the new feature / enhancement When selecting a json file in windows explorer (windows 11), thanks to this powertoy it displays a preview. 1. But when selecting...

Status-In progress
Product-File Explorer

## 🐛 Bug Report The MvxApplicationDelegate constructor is calling RegisterSetup() which is a virtual method. This is a bad practice which leads to unexpected behaviors as explained here. https://www.jetbrains.com/help/resharper/2019.2/VirtualMemberCallInConstructor.html ###...


## 🐛 Bug Report In `MvxAppCompatViewPresenter.cs`: the `TryPerformCloseFragmentTransaction()` method uses `CommitAllowingStateLoss()` to commit the fragment transaction. But it also may use `PopBackStackImmediate()` to close the fragment. Why not use `CommitNowAllowingStateLoss()`...


## 🐛 Bug Report Looks like LottieSharp 1.1.3 uses an obsolete version of DotNetZip which should be upgraded, as it prevent upgrading other microsoft nugets. Also, LottieSharp 2.x is .net7...