Rob Snell
Rob Snell
From Rohan: Can you recall gossips etc? When fighting, you can easily miss them. Would be useful to go back over history of chats, tells, gossips, etc from current session....
It would be very handy if players could visit a central point in certain cities and change their bind point (recall) to that room. It could be a "bind" command...
If a char dies right after leveling, there's a chance they will lose a level due to how xp loss is calculated and the "delevel" feature the mud has. When...
Really this 'Issue' would encompass multiple enhancements over time Xania has no formal, built-in quest system at the moment. Basic of quest types: - the classic "delivery" quest: take some...
Each major city would have a bank you can deposit up to 20-30 items in, and as much gold (I need to check if gold has weight!) Use it to...
Xania has the basic good/neutral/evil concepts. Good mobs will attack an evil player. And items can be flagged as 'anti-good', 'anti-evil', and cannot be used until their alignment has been...
Xania has a pretty decent NPC chat system where you can send 'tells' to NPCs and they will respond. We can us this to make the cityguards and main guardian...