The example for folder download using the async/await method is wrong. It says` await client.downloadDir('./local/dir', '/server/path')` while it should be ` await client.downloadDir('/server/path', './local/dir)` Tried it and it's working if...
Hi, how would I remove one or multiple file(s) from a remote folder? Is this possible with this node? Thanks
### The problem When an entity is not available anymore (for example if the entity got removed and didn't have a unique_id), it can not be removed from the energy...
Hi, I wanted to use the online screensaver extension but this says it needs a URL ending with an image extension like .png (see As this repo only provides...
Hi! I'm very new to docker but usually had to map some folders. I don't see such here. Does there need to be some mapping so the program can find...
Hi! How am I supposed to set the MAC address and how should it be formatted? (- or : or nothing) I can't find the correct field to put it...
Hi! I'm getting `CMakeLists.txt not found in project directory c:\users\username\downloads\zbs_flasher-main\zbs_flasher-main\esp32_flasher` when trying to flash the ESP using Visual Studio code. Any idea why this happens? I installed ESP-IDF and MinGW...
Hi! We have a V1 ESS (DE1704SVA00165) which is connected via LAN. Unfortunately, running "esscli --action list_ess" can't find any ESS. I know the local IP of the inverter -...
**Describe the bug** I get a 400 error when doing a call using: {"pv_power_forecast":[3374.8,3245.1,3005.7999999999997,2680.8999999999996,2331.2,1985.1000000000001,1598.6,1236.5,875.1999999999999,562.9,343.5,195.1,85.5,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], "prod_price_forecast":[0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04], "load_cost_forecast":[0.186586,0.186586,2.238408,2.238408,0.944180,0.944180,0.231886,0.231886,0.182804,0.182804,0.041332,0.041332,0.041468,0.041468,0.040380,0.040380,0.040911,0.040911,0.039008,0.039008,0.214656,0.214656,0.203334,0.203334,0.192692,0.192692,0.195807,0.195807,0.190653,0.190653], "prediction_horizon":30, "def_total_hours":[5.00], "soc_init":0.97, "soc_final":0.9} My conf: retrieve_hass_conf: - freq: 30 # The time step...
Docker not starting, error: unrecognized arguments: python3 src/emhass/
**Describe the bug** Getting the following errors after downloading the newest version of EMHASS: 2024-05-15T09:37:13.923695795Z | stdout | error: unrecognized arguments: python3 src/emhass/ 2024-05-15T09:37:13.923564580Z | stdout | [--no_response NO_RESPONSE]...