> Hi @smitterer, > > you can safely point the image path to this project server URL (e.g. `http://localhost:5000/` or `http://localhost:5000/2`). > > The endpoint will return a valid png...,_3.x_%26_4.x_Kindles that's the one I'm talking about. I get the "The ScreenSavers hack has been succesfully installed" thing. If I manually save the image generated by your project into /linkss/screensavers,...
Thanks! Should this hold something like /docker/epaperstation/ or the complete path /volume1/docker/epaperstation (I'm running docker on a Synology. Normally I would run a docker container via the GUI and there...
Sorry my fault, I was searching for a tutorial on how to flash an ESP with VS Code and it told me to install it. With PlatformIO I was able...