Kevin Smithson
Kevin Smithson
This is the bash script I use ```bash #! /usr/bin/env bash JS=" // First make sure the wrapper app is loaded document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Fetch our CSS in parallel...
I am not 100% sure about the windows side of it, but once you find where your `app.asar` file is in windows, the `npm` steps should work. It might be...
@Pymptech you could also try running the script with once you update the paths
@caiceA It is just a bash script. I save it in `~/scripts/` then just run it with `~/scripts/` whenever slack updates
Updated the script to use @caiceA CSS file, he seems to be updating the CSS the fastest for slack-4
Updated the script to support linux and windows (thanks to @guyhalestorm) Like everyone else added the script to github
Updated the windows script, should work better, requires WSL and nodejs installed still
I have written my own framework called `sand`. One of the modules for it is `sand-http` that builds on top of express and adds better routing and a MVC style...
Sounds good, I will try it when i have a chance.
Any update on this? Nesting multiple divs does not work with out this. Seems to render only first layer. According to docs the 3 property should be a string or...