slack-black-theme icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
slack-black-theme copied to clipboard

Slack 4.0.0 update breaks compatibility

Open iaman opened this issue 4 years ago • 90 comments

The long and short of this is that the src directory no longer exists inside of app.asar.unpacked. I'm digging in to see if I can find another place where we can get a foothold for binding the event and doing the CSS insertion required for this to work, but I think Slack may be trying to crack down on custom theming.

iaman avatar Jul 09 '19 14:07 iaman

I was able just to make asar unpack for app.asar, and beautify C:\Program Files\Slack\resources\app\dist\ssb-interop.bundle.js, as described here for Skype, but didn't find yet the place to insert provided script

suratovvlad avatar Jul 10 '19 10:07 suratovvlad

@suratovvlad Well, that's going to be a pain to do every update but it should be workable. I'll spend some time this weekend figuring out where we can do the style insertion and submit a PR to update the readme if somebody doesn't beat me to it.

iaman avatar Jul 10 '19 14:07 iaman

I was planning on a first step of getting it working from the developer console, and the first stumbling block I've hit is that document.querySelectorAll("webview"); doesn't find anything anymore, and I can't figure out what I'm looking for instead. I can inject the styles into each team individually, but I can't inject them from the container into each team.

3b0b avatar Jul 10 '19 16:07 3b0b

This is the only solution I could find for Slack 4.0.0:

gulo-gulo avatar Jul 14 '19 11:07 gulo-gulo

@sudochownrwhoami that works for you? I've cloned the repo, checked out the slack-4.0 branch, and run the script. It runs without error, but I don't see a difference when I load Slack.

swcisel avatar Jul 15 '19 13:07 swcisel

@swcisel I have tried reproducing that on windows but couldn't get it to work either

david1602 avatar Jul 15 '19 13:07 david1602

@sudochownrwhoami solution works for me (on osx).

MortalFlesh avatar Jul 15 '19 14:07 MortalFlesh

This is the bash script I use

#! /usr/bin/env bash

// First make sure the wrapper app is loaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  // Fetch our CSS in parallel ahead of time
  const cssPath = '';
  let cssPromise = fetch(cssPath).then((response) => response.text());

  // Insert a style tag into the wrapper view
  cssPromise.then((css) => {
    let s = document.createElement('style');
    s.type = 'text/css';
    s.innerHTML = css;


if [[ -z $SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR ]]; then
  # Assume on windows if the linux and osx paths failed.
  # Get Windows environment info:
  WIN_HOME_RAW="$(cmd.exe /c "<nul set /p=%UserProfile%" 2>/dev/null)"
  WIN_HOME="$(wslpath $WIN_HOME_RAW)"

  # Find latest version installed
  APP_VER="$(ls -dt ${WIN_HOME}/AppData/Local/slack/app*/)"
  IFS='/', read -a APP_VER_ARR <<< "$APP_VER"


echo "Adding Dark Theme Code to Slack... "
echo "This script requires sudo privileges." && echo "You'll need to provide your password."

sudo npx asar extract ${SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR}/app.asar ${SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR}/app.asar.unpacked
sudo tee -a "${SLACK_FILE_PATH}" > /dev/null <<< "$JS"
sudo npx asar pack ${SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR}/app.asar.unpacked ${SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR}/app.asar

It requires you have nodejs and the asar package installed globally with npm i -g asar

smitt04 avatar Jul 15 '19 15:07 smitt04

Is there a solution for Windows or am I missing something?

Pymptech avatar Jul 15 '19 15:07 Pymptech

I am not 100% sure about the windows side of it, but once you find where your app.asar file is in windows, the npm steps should work. It might be as simple as changing the SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR to the windows location and updating the path separators to be \

smitt04 avatar Jul 15 '19 15:07 smitt04

@Pymptech you could also try running the script with once you update the paths

smitt04 avatar Jul 15 '19 15:07 smitt04

Awesome I will try that! Thanks!

Pymptech avatar Jul 15 '19 15:07 Pymptech

@caiceA It is just a bash script. I save it in ~/scripts/ then just run it with ~/scripts/ whenever slack updates

smitt04 avatar Jul 15 '19 15:07 smitt04

@smitt04 Big thanks i got it i need to make some changes because i use my own designed theme. which is better one in terms of look and feel you can check my Github for that Slack Black Theme Here

caiceA avatar Jul 15 '19 15:07 caiceA

@smitt04 Thank you, your solution works.

leo150 avatar Jul 15 '19 17:07 leo150

Updated the script to use @caiceA CSS file, he seems to be updating the CSS the fastest for slack-4

smitt04 avatar Jul 15 '19 17:07 smitt04

@smitt04 i love my theme actually !!! i couldn't open my white slack for 2 days unless I saw your script 😅

caiceA avatar Jul 15 '19 17:07 caiceA

Hey, guys. Here's a beginner script I just made for reenabling dark mode on Slack 4.0. It's for mac and it assumes you already have the custom js code that you used to append to ssb-interop.js in a file on your computer.

Here's the direct code in case you want it here:


### With Slack 4.0, they are packing away ssb-interop.bundle.js in app.asar ###
### This bash script for Mac will unpack the app.asar, append your code to the file, repack it, and remove the unpacked directory ###
### You must have Node installed first in order to run npx with asar ###
### I got this idea from here – ###

slackdir="Enter your Slack Resources directory"
slack_custom_css="Enter your full path to your file containing your custom js for the css that will be appended to ssb-interop.bundle.js"

npx asar extract $slackdir/app.asar $slackdir/extracted-asar;
sleep 4;
cat $slack_custom_css >> $slackdir/extracted-asar/dist/ssb-interop.bundle.js;
npx asar pack $slackdir/extracted-asar $slackdir/app.asar;
rm -r $slackdir/extracted-asar;

For the $slackdir variable, enter your Slack Resources directory. For the $slack_custom_css variable, enter your full path to your file containing your custom js for the css that will be appended to ssb-interop.bundle.js.

misterpyrrhuloxia avatar Jul 16 '19 00:07 misterpyrrhuloxia

this simple installation solution can solve everyone's problem MAC

caiceA avatar Jul 16 '19 13:07 caiceA

For windows I found this 7z extension for asar files.

I was able to unpack %localappdata%/slack/app-4.0.0/resources/app.asar I edited app/dist/ssb-interop.bundle.js with the slack custom CSS code I renamed the original app.asar to .old then opened /app with 7zip and created app.asar I relauched slack and the theme is working again

tarantulae avatar Jul 16 '19 13:07 tarantulae

I also got @smitt04 's script (I REALLY like your look @caiceA , looks slick!) to work on Windows via Ubuntu (if you have it installed from the Windows Store) using node.js. I saved it as and changed the first line to #!/bin/bash since that's what I always use in bash scripts in Ubuntu, not sure if it was absolutely necessary or not.

SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR="/mnt/c/Users/YOUR USERNAME/AppData/Local/slack/app-4.0.0/resources" <-- Change YOUR USERNAME to, well, your username. The app version number will have to be updated every time Slack updates, but us Windows folks are already used to that.

First run commands, assuming you don't have nodejs and npm installed already:

chmod u+x sudo apt install nodejs npm sudo npm i -g npx asar ./

guyhalestorm avatar Jul 16 '19 14:07 guyhalestorm

Update: I automated the process for Windows so you don't have to enter your username OR update it with the current Slack version. It'll always work.

// First make sure the wrapper app is loaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

  // Fetch our CSS in parallel ahead of time
  const cssPath =
  let cssPromise = fetch(cssPath).then((response) => response.text());
  let customCustomCSS = \`
   :root {
      /* Modify these to change your theme colors: */
      --primary: #61AFEF;
      --text: #ABB2BF;
      --background: #282C34;
      --background-elevated: #3B4048;

  // Insert a style tag into the wrapper view
  cssPromise.then((css) => {
    let s = document.createElement('style');
    s.type = 'text/css';
    s.innerHTML = css + customCustomCSS;

#Get Windows environment info:
WIN_HOME_RAW="$(cmd.exe /c "<nul set /p=%UserProfile%" 2>/dev/null)"
WIN_HOME="$(wslpath $WIN_HOME_RAW)"

#Find latest version installed
APP_VER="$(ls -dt ${WIN_HOME}/AppData/Local/slack/app*/)"
IFS='/', read -a APP_VER_ARR <<< "$APP_VER"

#Automatically set paths

echo "Adding Dark Theme Code to Slack... "
echo "This script requires sudo privileges." && echo "You'll need to provide your password."

sudo npx asar extract ${SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR}/app.asar ${SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR}/app.asar.unpacked
sudo tee -a "${SLACK_FILE_PATH}" > /dev/null <<< "$JS"
sudo npx asar pack ${SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR}/app.asar.unpacked ${SLACK_RESOURCES_DIR}/app.asar

guyhalestorm avatar Jul 16 '19 15:07 guyhalestorm

Updated the script to support linux and windows (thanks to @guyhalestorm)

Like everyone else added the script to github

smitt04 avatar Jul 16 '19 15:07 smitt04

Looking for a simpler solution for non-tech guy like me.

JOY avatar Jul 16 '19 20:07 JOY

Updated the script to support linux and windows (thanks to @guyhalestorm)

Like everyone else added the script to github

Cannot apply on Windows 10 so I opened an issue on your git:

JOY avatar Jul 16 '19 20:07 JOY

The bash script for Windows did not work for me (all sudo npx asar calls resulted in /usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory). So I installed the 7zip asar plugin (, extracted app.asar to a directory, patched dist/ssb-interop.bundle.js, opened app.asar with 7zip as archive, removed dist/ssb-interop.bundle.js, and copied the modifed ssb-interop.bundle.js to folder dist in the open archive.

I did that before trying the script and for some reason slack would not start with the modified app.asar so I ran the script to get a modified version of dist/ssb-interop.bundle.js, which I appended here, in case someone else has the same problem.

theRealAJR avatar Jul 17 '19 09:07 theRealAJR

I think some of the previous posts left out a backtick in the script.

I've created a Windows powershell script to make this easier for anyone on windows who isn't running wsl. This only requires 7zip and the Asar addin.

Like everyone else I added it to github.

tarantulae avatar Jul 17 '19 14:07 tarantulae

Updated the windows script, should work better, requires WSL and nodejs installed still

smitt04 avatar Jul 17 '19 15:07 smitt04

@smitt04 on WSL, npx didn't come with npm. If this happens install npx globally npm i -g npx

gparami avatar Jul 17 '19 22:07 gparami

@smitt04 Hi! Thanks to you and everyone who helped for the script. I hate to n00b it up, but I strangely get the error: ./ line 2: $'\r': command not found.

Any ideas?


darthink avatar Jul 18 '19 14:07 darthink