Results 10 issues of Sam Hauglustaine

This is the original (potential) issue I wanted to report: When, within the same 'tick', you change a value and then change it again, but back to the original value,...

Similar to the example in #111. Maybe it is nice to also test whether the the original value and the final value don't refer to the same object? To make...

Calling `clipboard.copy(80)` doesn't seem to do anything. I assume it only accepts strings, as `clipboard.copy(80.toString())` does work. While you could argue it is up to the user to convert data...

At least on my Node 14.17.6 env the CLI version doesn't work due to ES module-only dependencies (`meow`) which don't support node's require. I've refactored everything to ES modules. This...

This updates the xmldom dependency according to [this GitHub Advisory](

This (very) basic test is based on the README example. Also tested on node 0.12. This should be the oldest version supported by less 2.x which this plugin is based...

It would be nice to be able to search immediately when opening Feel free to reject of course.

I've been working on [xgettext-template]( for a while, which seems to be very similar to this project. I haven't looked into things enough to see what's different (besides language support),...

It sounds like a good idea to no longer list parsers as dependencies as it lowers maintenance updates. Requirements: * Take a look at approach of eslint/babel/... * Less focus...

help wanted

It seems like a good idea to have this discussion here as it can be useful to others. @eldarc wrote: > I also wanted to ask you about some feature...
