Results 29 comments of Sam Hauglustaine

Fair question. You'd indeed need to add `fr` to the `allowed` list to make this work. The whitelist should (currently) be seen as all-encompassing. Some alternative approaches would be: -...

> I understand however that the current approach might be to provide a set of components for everyone to build the solution best suited to their unique needs. I think...

Thank you for your extensive comparison! Always a pleasure to see issues reported this way! I'm all for matching gettext tools in every possible way. That said, based on your...

If you see low-hanging fruit (any fruit, really ;)), please send in a PR. There are some [line-folding tests]( which you can add yours to. In general: Testing is a...

Can you please provide an example containing a control variable that you like to extract?

Do you know of any other gettext tools which support `#$`?

Closing, but feel free to add feedback when available.

Would switching off all comments be ok? So you wouldn't get the source file and line number either. Edit: pinging @arm1n @sabsaxo

It seems that I never received an e-mail about this issue (and some others). What you propose sounds reasonable to me (I adopted the project last year). Feel free to...