The codes written by others can run successfully on my compute but the codes by myself can't. When I run my scripts this error i think there's something wrong...
可以参考一下tensorflow官网教程,将构建网络的代码写在with tf.device('gpu:#') 下
多谢这么快回复 @luckynote 我的意思是,保留计算图中的设置而不使用run这一步,这样也可以让tensorflow在计算图中自动计算出attribute_w_n,也就是,在: feed_dict = { list_ops['image_batch']: images, list_ops['landmark_batch']: landmarks, list_ops['attribute_batch']: attributes, list_ops['phase_train_placeholder']: True, list_ops['euler_angles_gt_batch'] : eulers, list_ops['attributes_w_n_batch']: attributes_w_n } 中,去掉最后一个输入ist_ops['attributes_w_n_batch']: attributes_w_n,变为: feed_dict = { list_ops['image_batch']: images, list_ops['landmark_batch']: landmarks, list_ops['attribute_batch']:...
I think it is ok to just keep the output of calculate_pitch_yaw_roll and the input of tf.cos in the same unit, in spite of whether the unit is degree or...
mat_ratio = tf.map_fn(lambda x:(tf.cond(x > 0,lambda: 1/x,lambda:float(args.batch_size))),mat_ratio)
that is : if mat_ratio > 0 then mat_ratio = 1/mat_ratio else mat_ratio = args.batch_size the function tf.cond needs 3 parameters: condition, func1, func2 and if condition is true it...
我将会面的input layer以及用到这些input的leyaer全都注释掉了,报了failed to run conv4_1_reshape 的错误,
根据您说的,我随便试了几下:将一些true改为false,变1e-9为1e-12,仍然不行。这些参数分别是什么意思,请问我应该按照什么原则调呢? 以下是其中一种情况的输出结果: in Layer conv1n para bias in Layer conv2_dwara bias in Layer conv2_sepra bias in Layer conv3_dwara bias in Layer conv3_sepra bias in Layer conv4_dwara bias in Layer conv4_1para...
有没有可能是代码中getblobbyname() 的参数跟模型文件里的参数没有对应,我用使用自己训练的模型的时候发现了这个问题,但是没有再关注左博发布的这些模型
how to evaluate an image with a large size, such as 1920x1080 or 1280x720?