I was about to raise a separate issue but then looked more closely at this - my issue is the same but it runs all tests in the assemby not...
Hi @OsirisTerje. I'm a bit busy at the moment but may be able to over the next few weeks. Yes, it only happens when live discovery is on due to...
EDIT: This is not necessary if you correctly add an app.manifest - I finally worked out how to do that! However without one System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.OSDescription may be a better way to...
> Well we should probably consider this repo as abandoned / discontinued. > How about bringing it to a new repo (like @mntone 's)? Yes, I was thinking the same.
@lenonk you would need to download the source tree from one of those branches and add the project to your solution and add references where needed (instead of just using...