brad pit
brad pit
what is the solution of this ?
are u find any answer ? @balicekt
i am using cordova-admob-plus and its solved my that problem try that but load_fail method not working properly and it good that cordova-admob-plus not using uiwebview that is a plus...
can you share some code of ad ?
you can check like this and redirect user for better understand see this [example here ]( ``` .approved(transaction => transaction.verify()) .verified(receipt => receipt.finish()) .finished(transaction => console.log('Products owned: ' +...
i think you have to add `transaction.finish()` inside .approved after `transaction.verify()`. so that next time app open than "`isAcknowledged`" status changed from `false` to `true`.
i think this problem occur due to [this method is deprecated ]( ``` /** * @deprecated - use store.initialize(), store.update() or store.restorePurchases() */ refresh() { throw new Error("use store.initialize() or...
do you found any solution ?