cordova-plugin-admob-free copied to clipboard
interstitial and rewardVideo is moved down
Hi can anyone help me with this issue? When show any add is moved down and can be easily closed by swiping down.
Thank you
are u find any answer ? @balicekt
Yes, used: cordova-admob-plus
Having the same issue on iPad. My app is a game developed using GDevelop 5 and compiled using XCode. It is displayed in fullscreen in landscape mode, but rewarded ads are displayed in some kind of popup which does not occupy the full screen leading to the ad being truncated (see attached picture).
i am using cordova-admob-plus and its solved my that problem try that but load_fail method not working properly and it good that cordova-admob-plus not using uiwebview that is a plus point.
Thanks. Seems effectively the issue was linked to UIWebView. I upgraded my project to Cordova 10.0.0 and the latest AdMob SDK to use WKWebView and it is working properly now with this plugin.