Paul Norton

Results 10 comments of Paul Norton

While a single config would be nice. How about just creating a more robust file structure to create a cleaner delineation of config files? eg: initial configuration files under conf/...

Installing Go doesn't make a difference. This would appear to be an issue with one of the containers thats build in the background. ``` Compiled successfully. File sizes after...

As a follow up to this it appears that the Grafana dashboard you have included is 7587: This can be more easily imported on Grafana using the above tag...

Rebuilt from source and installed using Deb off Branch 2216 still can't see the Phoenicis main interface. Same behavior: I can briefly see the interface when resizing. I did catch...

Full error message on build: `[USER]@[HOST]:~/git-stuff/phoenicis/phoenicis-dist/src/scripts$ bash Warning: Version not specified. Reading from pom.xml Using 5.0-SNAPSHOT WARNING: argument [linux-bundle-name] is not supported for current configuration. Creating app bundle: /home/[USER]/git-stuff/phoenicis/phoenicis-dist/src/scripts/../../target/packages/PhoenicisPlayOnLinux...

Yes the same. But the launch from CLI revealed this message: WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by$ReflectUtils$1 (file:/usr/share/maven/lib/guice.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int, WARNING:...

Open JDK. See below for what I get when I launch and Java version. I will re-note. I can briefly see whats in the window when I re-size it. Even...

I am not sure. I don't know that I'm using any other JavaFX apps on that machine.

I'm having the same issue

@digijin I refreshed a few times on my doc and the start item showed up.