Shoichi Kaji

Results 12 issues of Shoichi Kaji

## Context Because [the issue template]( needs `zef list --installed`, I tried ``` ❯ zef list --installed | pbcopy ``` But, currently `zef list` command write strings to both STDOUT...

## Context When I develop a Raku distribution "My-Module", I should prepare runtime/build/test dependencies for "My-Module" first. Currently ``` zef install --/test --deps-only . ``` does not install "test-depends" for...


metacpan has an endpoint that returns perl tarball urls in json format: It's very helpful, thanks. On the other hand, the json format is not very easy-to-use by shell...


## a short description of the problem I think there is no easy way to inspect distributions. ## more details Let's say we use `Module` in our script: ```raku use...


HTTP::Request automatically sets http header 'Host' from uri host in But there may be a case where uri host is not the same as http header 'Host', eg, reverse...

I expected this test passed, but in fact, it failed. ```perl use 5.26.0; use PPI::Document; use Test::More; my $content = q( my $x = find('PPI::Token::Pod'); ok $pod, "find pod element";...

This PR changes how to log to terminal. Previously, sometimes we're not sure which modules are being installed and which modules take a lot of time to be installed. I...

When you use perl 5.16, and try to install some modules, then you may encounter the following error: ``` 2020-07-07T16:05:16,14222,TimeDate-2.33| Configuring distribution 2020-07-07T16:05:16,14222,TimeDate-2.33| Executing /home/skaji/env/plenv/versions/5.16.3/bin/perl Makefile.PL 2020-07-07T16:05:16,14222,TimeDate-2.33| "_sprintf562" is not...

Here are features/bugfixes you'll see in cpm v1: * (A) Fix the long-lived critical bug completely (#71, #178) * (B) Do not depend on cpanminus/Menlo anymore * (C) Add an...

I think I talked with you a little bit about this :) Anyway I write about this in detail here. # Description There are modules which depend on their initial...
