Shoichi Kaji

Results 10 comments of Shoichi Kaji

Both are fine with me. In case of not creating new endpoint, I think some query parameter (eg: `format=tsv` or `format=txt`) is better than `Accept` header.

Currently returns not only `version` and `download_url`, but also `total`, `took`, `authorized`, etc. If we use the same url for text format responses, I think it should returns the...

> We are meeting in a couple of weeks for meta::hack Sounds great! > Are you looking to create it or would you like one of us to set this...

@PatrickCronin Thank you for working on this feature request. > Implementing a new endpoint means it would need to be maintained long term, so the benefits of the new endpoint...

PAUSE does not recognize such *dynamic* version declaration. ``` ❯ curl -s | zgrep '^DDP ' DDP undef G/GA/GARU/Data-Printer-1.000004.tar.gz ``` If you wish PAUSE to extract versions properly, use...

@Zariel Can I reuse Query instances? I have code that reuse a query instance, which worked fine with commit before, but do not work anymore with commit after

STDOUT has buffer, so we have lines with unexpected order. ``` ❯ zef list --installed 2>&1 | pbcopy ❯ pbpaste ===> Found via /Users/skaji/env/rakuenv/versions/2021.02.1-01/share/perl6/site zef:ver:auth:api CORE:ver:auth ===> Found via /Users/skaji/env/rakuenv/versions/2021.02.1-01/share/perl6/core...

@jonathanstowe Thank you for your reply! > if the host header is set in the constructor for example then that shouldn't be over-written later Then do you accept the following...

@ybrliiu ```perl use strict; use warnings; { package Foo::Role; use Mouse::Role; has 'bar' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => sub { 10 }, ); package Foo;...

@gugod Can you take a look at CI failures?