Simon Aronsson

Results 16 issues of Simon Aronsson

Uninstalling the microk8s snap does not clean up any network interfaces created by Calico. Occured after uninstalling `v1.23.3` using `snap`. ``` ~ $ ip a ... 66: cali2b0ba0cec00@if3: mtu 1440...

help wanted
good first issue

None of us, the maintainers of this project, currently have access to any Synology devices. We've tried using the demo Synology provides, but it's just not cutting it. If anyone...

Do not close

> Yeah, it's looking for credentials for the repository `` but the key in the config.json is `` > > ``` > > 2021-11-12T10:43:55Z [D] No credentials for found...

> It's the template that is causing this. It's an unintended side effect of allowing the template to dictate whether to send a notifiction. Fix for the authors template: >...

> Just a thought, wouldn't manually specifying a schedule or interval warrant the enabling of the periodic updates as well? > It would be breaking behaviour, but it seems like...

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Medium
Do not close
Status: Planning

The operator should be able to send notifications upon starting and finishing test runs. To get a lot of options with little work, we should use Configuration of notifications...

evaluation needed

@dgzlopes made an excellent point about how adding a full deployment bundle to the repo would allow us to drop the `make` and `kustomize` pre-requisites for usage. Once this is...

## Feature Description With the introduction of xk6, it is likely that we'll start to get support questions or bug reports where users are running bespoke versions of k6. From...

medium prio
evaluation needed