Simon Aronsson

Results 83 comments of Simon Aronsson

[Apprise]( would likely be a good candidate for this.

For sure, shouldn't be too much work to get it going.

If one were to suggest priorities based on that list, comparing it to Gremlin and chaos-toolkit would probably be the most useful as they both have quite big user bases.

As per our discussion, @dgzlopes, I think it would make sense to also check out whether it would be sufficient to do this with ConfigMaps and jobs, allowing us to...

> I'm excited to see what you guys come up with! > > You might still need to communicate somehow - for example to cancel the experiment before its term,...

I'd be fine with adding support for this. Looks like a neat addition, kinda similar to Pushbullet.

@8ear We're gonna remove the "legacy" env vars in a future version (hopefully soon). This is just to keep some kind of compatibility meanwhile people migrate to using shoutrrr. Thanks...

@piksel I know you started this. Did you ever finish it?

Interesting! Would need to read up on this as I've never heard about signal before. Would you mind providing some more details? 😄