Stephane Maarek

Results 53 issues of Stephane Maarek

Is it possible to have an environment variable specifying the connectors we're interested into loading? By default all would be loaded The goal is to have a lighter development environment...

I've had lots of feedback saying that connect healthcheck is failing. My guess is that because connect takes WAY more time to load right now due to the plugin and...

I'm using the ElasticSearch connector. It seems it is not accepting the valid empty strings as a property which is [valid java properties]( ``` name=sink-elastic-twitter-distributed connector.class=io.confluent.connect.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSinkConnector tasks.max=2 topics=demo-3-twitter connection.url=http://elasticsearch:9200

![image]( As you can see there's a topic called `monitor-msg` but in reality it's definitely the `connect-configs` topic. It's pretty confusing that is has been renamed in the UI for...

Great stuff with exposing the logs through my browser, I think that's an amazing feature. Definitely going to help. Last thing I could suggest would be to have a view...

Would be great to have a KSM master and a standby for HA mode. PR welcome!

Would probably need to use this: Honestly a fun feature to contribute if you're game!

help wanted

PR most welcome. # Features - I'm thinking right now a read only API to view the list of ACLs in a searchable table. # Implementation To make things fun...

help wanted

Hi, How can I control how many results I get at the same time? My call is ``` String twoDaysAgo = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT ); enumMap.put(Issues.Qualifier.SINCE, now); Iterable issuesIterator = repo.issues().search(Issues.Sort.UPDATED,...