Stephane Maarek

Results 53 issues of Stephane Maarek

Hi, I'm trying to do the following command to run the downloads in the background ``` nohup python ./ -title XXXXX -onlinetickets &> test.log ``` If I run `python ./

How can I achieve this? ``` print(toml.dumps({"test": "foo\n\nbar"})) ``` Should be ``` test = """ foo bar """ ```

component: encoder
type: feature
syntax: strings

The issue is with the `'` character I believe, but it can't fix it on my end. Ensure how this is buggy? The parser seems to have issues separating the...

type: bug
component: decoder
syntax: strings

Not sure how I can provide any further information, but here's what's happening: ``` $ ps aux | grep 26009 stephanemaarek 26009 125.4 1.3 4856732 220472 ?? R 1:22PM 22:33.96...

This tool is awesome, I just wonder if it's in the roadmap to include either: - a Docker image to run this locally (port binding, mount the .proto file to...

after logging out, we can't log back in because there's no verification page. I believe the user actually shouldn't be "authenticated" until he has passed the verification page, which doesn't...

The `even` mode in `balance` is the following: ``` even - This is a specialized type for clusters which have topics that have a number of partitions that are a...

Hi, Is it possible to have the kafka-tools support `kafka-reassign-partitions` instead of `` ? For example, the confluent Kafka images do an `apt-get install` which go and places the shell...
