Simon Michael

Results 562 comments of Simon Michael

Yep, I have wanted this for years for hledger, which sometimes invokes separate executables with their own flags. Everybody trips up on the need for -- in this case.

I just ran into the same issue in 2018. How actually do we make -h an alias for --help in cmdargs programs ? cf

I mean: would a PR to stop this behaviour be welcome ? (Or if you change it before I figure out how, even better.) And if the former... I guess...

This hack makes it work for me. my-ghc-mod.hs: ``` hs #!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc --verbosity info --package directory --package filepath --package process -- A temporary workaround for --...

PS the workaround above is not robust, ie does not handle all cases.

I see that creates a bit of friction, if you are combining or switching between timedot and timeclock. I don't remember if this works: in a parent journal file including...

I'll leave this open in case we want to do something more. We inherited timeclock format and its hard-coded units. For timedot format I just wanted to leave it open...

> For me, setting the default is not working since I have not set commodity explicitly for my transactions. So not only will time get the h suffix, so will...

Thanks @wbadart. (We should clarify that it's x64 on the install page.) I think the answer depends on whether Github offers aarch64 workers - I think not right now ?

Or, does alpine have such infrastructure ? How do they obtain aarch64 binaries for other packages ?