Simon Michael

Results 562 comments of Simon Michael

Trying to focus this issue more on the output side, with #210 covering input. "Documentation" of course involves both input and output examples. What does "using rewrite in a automated...

From #210: > What I miss, is --output-date-format for hledger output (e.g. the register command's output). I think that would be useful to produce printed reports that are not awkward...

> But aren't there downsides of changing the hledger journal format and going different ways than the ledger file format? That's a topic for #210, but that's not really a...

Yes, we've [agreed on #210](, [and]( [here](, 1. ~to keep supporting only ISO 8601 dates (YYYY-MM-DD with leading zeros) plus our slight punctuation variants (YYYY/MM/DD, YYYY.MM.DD, and optional leading zeros)...

I hear you but I'm not convinced. D/M/Y is the norm in Ireland, eg. I suspect will confirm that the punctuation character can't be relied on as a guide.

I don't think it's causing enough trouble to be worth the annoyance of a warning, is it ?

Yes, I can see that requiring a four digit year could make sense. On the other hand it's an easy mistake to notice and fix, and if some users are...

Right now I'll just say that we chose to be highly compatible with Ledger from the outset, which dictated many things. If you were designing a format from scratch intended...

Also as I've said I don't see that either the risk or impact of this kind of error is high in practice. If anyone has experience to the contrary that...

To give a little more data, here's my experience: in 11 years of hledgering I have - never written a date with parts in the wrong order - never had...