Simon Barotte

Results 12 issues of Simon Barotte

Hi, I'm working with this module [](url) I've just tried to format it with the SdFormatter example but after thaht my card is down, when I try a SdInfo I...

Hi, First of all, very great work ! It's not an issue, it's just a question about your code. I have a board build witn an gyro and accel, I...

I'am working with you library with 6 dof captor gyro+accel and one BME280. But I have very strange value for the altitude, my bme captor return to me a value...

Hi, first of all very nice works this is absolutly what I'am looking for but I have a question, can I use your EKF without magnetometer, beceause in my board...

Hi all, I encouter a bug when I try to use RTCZero library with a personnal board build with an atsmad21e18a and Vscode. In my setup I initialise my rtc...

Where is the lib for arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler? Is it remove? I can't find it in psdk lib

Hi, It would be nice to add a getting started, explain how to build PSDK without specific IDE like Keil MDK, just with cmake/make for a board. It would be...

Hi, I got an error when I try to compiled for an `SAMD21E17A` `multiple definition of delay` conflit with `delay.c` in samd core and delay in `FreeRTOSVariant.c` ```` /* *...

Hi, It will be great feature if you can add in this library the possibility to set a callback function called in WDT_handler just before watchedog reset.

Hi all, I'am working with an LSM6DSO32 and one SAMD21E18A. I've a personal board, so I use your library. But it's seem to be slow, I have a delay of...