tools/keepalived/keepliaved/check/ipvswrapper.c 这个接口 ``` static void update_vsge_alive_count(virtual_server_group_entry_t *vsge, const virtual_server_t *vs, bool up) { unsigned *alive_p; if (vsge->is_fwmark) { if (vs->af == AF_INET) alive_p = &vsge->fwm4_alive; else alive_p = &vsge->fwm6_alive; }...
I found that I can barely connect to , most of the requests time out.  Even when I send the request successful, it still spend many seconds, like...
Hello, I have a question about limit_conn, the description said that it can "limit request concurrency (or concurrent connections)", but after I read the source code, I think it can...