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I can't connect to https://www.bungie.net/Platform/Tokens/Partner/ClaimOffer/
I found that I can barely connect to https://www.bungie.net/Platform/Tokens/Partner/ClaimOffer/ , most of the requests time out.
Even when I send the request successful, it still spend many seconds, like more than 10s+
But there are something strange that when I use the Oauth2 and when I get code, token and user-info(Use this API:/User/GetBungieNetUserById/{id}/), most of the requests are success. I don't know what's the difference between this two API and why Claimoffer always timeout.
I can ping www.bungie.net
Sometimes I can telnet port 443
Sometimes I can't

So please help me, if there is any solution of this, or is there a const IP address that I can connect to? Thank you very much!