Results 173 comments of Bedis Nbiba

Is it possible to run the examples here using this trick? I tested a bit screen api seems to fail. and also I had to use npm jsdom because...

for jsdom I imported it with npm:jsdom and I had to patch `vm.isContext` to return false (

Nope I got the same errors

I did it in a hacky way but I saw Industrial has a better method ![image](

You can listen to sigint signal and do the cleanup there

This probably belongs to a separate plugin.

deno puppeteer also requires run-all because of this

Regarding >relative dependencies inside virtual text document is not resolved correctly The problem is in virtual text nvim automatically adds the current file-path to deno schema so `deno:/https/` becomes `/home/user/dev/deno:/https/`

Currently there is only one bug remaining with that fixed the experience is equivalent to vscode-deno The missing features can be implemented in a separate plugins once this bug...

I wrote a plugin for this