Results 173 comments of Bedis Nbiba

My bad I should've been more clear []( , under **A more complex Shape** the link to `` in `you can find it here` returns 404 error

The available workaround for now is to use multi_windows mode. `waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.multi_windows true` Then each app will have a maximize button, by clicking on it, the app will...

The multi-widow prop is not needed anymore, you can jsut press F11 (make sure you have run waydroid upgrade though)

Good idea! I'm definitely interested in this, I'll try implementing this

I implemented the idea, but after testing it, it feels underwhelming since proc-macro are compile-time you can't really interact with them in the repl. You can test the code here...

Here is how you can use the new commit (note: to be able to write `#[proc_macro]fn ...` -> after writing `#[proc_macro]` you can use `alt+enter` to add a new...

Think this is a way to achieve what you want

I prefer to keep the issue open till I figure it out, thanks!

Hello, thanks for checking out the project It is of course on my radar, I don't believe I will have time for it though Racer have some advantages worth mentioning:...