Results 173 comments of Bedis Nbiba

I don't have windows currently to test, hopefully someone else picks this up if its still interesting.

I can reproduce with gnome terminal, but not with alacrity. I think this subtraction is not mentioned by the sgr extension. wezterm for example doesn't appear to do it...

This issue has some insight So from what I can tell 0 is a valid number, but its interpretation its not clear, it can be either scroll 1 or...

To summarize the issue: ```rust let x = format!("{}", hello".red()); ``` This can easily work with ansi since the ansi sequence is written to x with the original str. In... Detecting a key release in linux usually require root (unless you rely on x server) , if the user is in the input group he can read it with...

Linux already supported mouse up/down events, its the keys support that is missing. This commit fixes this by using the kitty protocol. (but you need a supported terminal)

It is is possible in master(not released) yet using the kitty protocol. See it also contains the list of supported terminals. To use it just add: ```rs execute!(stdout, PushKeyboardEnhancementFlags(KeyboardEnhancementFlags::REPORT_EVENT_TYPES))?;...

I forgot to like this issue It seems to be the same problem, the gist of it you're having 2 process trying to read from stdin at the same...

I created a fix here and here If someone can validate my assumptions and test it on linux and windows I can pr it couple of points: -...