Results 37 issues of siddjain

I cannot get this thing to work. I run it like this: ``` sudo http_trace -i en5 -f "tcp port 80" ``` but it does not capture any trace. It...

I am following the [getting started]( guide of scio. When I run: ``` runMain com.spotify.scio.examples.WordCount --project=my-gcp-project --runner=DataflowRunner --zone=us-west1 --input=gs://apache-beam-samples/shakespeare/kinglear.txt --output=gs://XXX/scio/wordcount ``` Two things happen: - first of all, it does...

question ❓

I am trying to visualize an array of floats. I was expecting a line plot but instead see this funny looking thing: This is with C# in case it matters.

I tried using this tool to find the base image of an image. When I ran the tool ``` $ dive ycc-1.2 Image Source: docker://ycc-1.2 Fetching image... (this can take...

It seems asciidoc has no support for equation numbering and cross-referencing? please see these threads: could support for this be added please?

I am wondering if anyone has used this with Formik? I tried to use it like this: ``` import React from "react"; import DateTimePicker from "react-datetime-picker"; import { useFormikContext, useField...

Hello, I have a project in which I am using @wojtekmaj/react-datetimerange-picker. Running `tsc` on the project does not give me any error but when I try to build using rollup...

help wanted

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. What did you do? If possible, provides a simple script and debug step to reproduce the problem. Here is my...

I am using AsciidocFX 1.7.1 on Windows. The pdfwidth attribute does not seem to work and I can't resize images in the PDF. How can I resize images in PDF?