Results 37 issues of siddjain

we get this error...warning when using this library (version 2.0.8) with MySQL 8.0 ``` - WARN 65653 --- [netty-thread-10] c.g.jasync.sql.db.mysql.MySQLConnection : Received OK when not querying or connecting, not sure...

we are trying to use this library. here are our settings: ``` spring.r2dbc.pool.initial-size=100 spring.r2dbc.pool.max-size=500 spring.r2dbc.pool.max-idle-time=30m spring.r2dbc.pool.validation-query=SELECT 1 ``` maven dependency ``` com.github.jasync-sql jasync-r2dbc-mysql 2.0.8 ``` On MySQL server we have...

I could not find this on maven central. there is this: but i don't think its the same thing. how can one use this library?

[provide a description of the issue] ##### Environment - Operating System: Darwin x64 20.6.0 - JDK version: java.version=17.0.3 - Visual Studio Code version: 1.68.1 (Universal) - Java extension version:what is...


I keep getting this error with sysbench for different queries: ``` FATAL: mysql_stmt_execute() returned error 2014 (Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now) for query 'SELECT SUM(k)...

can someone help me understand the output of this script. e.g. I see: ``` [ 93s ] thds: 56 tps: 43.01 qps: 1397.23 (r/w/o: 645.10/662.11/90.01) lat (ms,95%): 2680.11 err/s 1.00...

I am not able to use environment variables in `vmArgs` properties in `launch.json` this does not work: ``` "vmArgs": "-javaagent:$PWD/src/main/resources/instrumentation-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -enableassertions" ``` I get error: ``` Error opening zip file...

feature request

w.r.t. `launch.json`, this does not work: ``` "classPaths": [ "$Auto", "$HOME/.m2/repository/com/oracle/database/jdbc/ojdbc10/" ] ``` The classes pointed to by `$HOME/.m2/repository/com/oracle/database/jdbc/ojdbc10/` are not available to the Java program. if I replace `$HOME`...

feature request

Hello, I just want to know if this library will continue to have bug fixes given GDI+ is no longer supported on non-windows platforms with .NET 7.0? Thanks.

Per this thread: When asciidoctor-mathematical is used with asciidoctor-pdf to generate a PDF the equation number appears to the left. This is a request to add a flag that...