Andrey Cherepanov
Andrey Cherepanov
commit c9a7c66eeed258c1dd1beb453d1d118a01a1101f placed guake.desktop.metainfo.xml to $(DESTDIR)/metainfo/ instead of $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/metainfo/. In package this file will be placed to /metainfo, but standard ( says: > Applications can ship one or more files...
Thank you for the attention. Please, review pull request #1928
Look at my It fixes hovered menu item.
There is fix in chromium upstream:
My one-line patch does not break anything, so it's useful to apply it before (and leave after) release of next chromium version.
Try this patch: ``` diff --git a/qutim/plugins/hunspeller/src/hunspellchecker.cpp b/qutim/plugins/hunspeller/src/hunspellchecker.cpp index a7e99de..35b8f18 100644 --- a/qutim/plugins/hunspeller/src/hunspellchecker.cpp +++ b/qutim/plugins/hunspeller/src/hunspellchecker.cpp @@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ bool HunSpellChecker::isCorrect(const QString &word) const { if (!m_speller) return true; //unnecessary...