Samantha Hughes

Results 14 issues of Samantha Hughes

### Checklist - [X] I added a descriptive title - [X] I searched for other speed issues and didn't find a duplicate ### What happened? This is a continuation of...


This is a first pass draft, fairly sure it's broken for python versions lower than 3.8. Seems to work but i'm not sure how to test it right this moment,...

Currently wrapping functions with these class based decorators will obliterate type information. With the introduction of `Paramspec` in python 3.10 and the backports library `typing_extensions` it should be possible (using...

Sample repo here Given this is a library, I want `.d.ts` files emitted so it can be used by other libraries If in `main.ts` I use ``` export {...

scope: transpile

I can recreate this by turning off my wifi and running `micromamba install --json -c some-channel-that-is-not-cached python` This will result in a proper failure return code, but not json output....


Output of this is nothing. Return code is set correctly though. `micromamba install --json -y -c bad-channel imaginary-package` For comparison the non json output `micromamba install -y -c bad-channel imaginary-package`...


Using `-c` to specify the channel produces the expected output `micromamba install --json -y -c conda-forge imaginary-package` ```json { "solver_problems": [ "nothing provides requested imaginary-package" ], "success": false } ```...


### Duplicates - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Latest version - [X] I have tested the latest version ### Summary 💡 When replacing the `Tab` component with...

component: tabs
package: material
status: needs triage

**Describe the bug** When using something like this, `values` is a `DjangoGetter` instance which is somewhat unexpected to me. Prior to 1.0 and the pydantic update you would get a...

If I have created two schema's with identical names in different files/apps, in the openapi spec ninja will silently use whatever the "last" definition is. This has caused us some...