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Typing for sync/async decorators

Open shughes-uk opened this issue 2 years ago • 21 comments

This is a first pass draft, fairly sure it's broken for python versions lower than 3.8.

Seems to work but i'm not sure how to test it right this moment, i'm used to using pyright and will have to investigate how to use mypy

One thing that confused me a bit is that the async_to_sync function accepts awaitable but it actually seems to be looking for a callable that returns an awaitable? I could use some clarification there.

I'm also not sure what naming convention to use for the TypeVar/Paramspec pairs.

Looks like I also introduce some formatting errors to correct!

shughes-uk avatar Sep 25 '21 19:09 shughes-uk

Seems I have some work to do with mypy and this!

shughes-uk avatar Sep 26 '21 04:09 shughes-uk

No worries - take the time you need to get everything working! I might suggest you mark the PR as a draft, though, so that way you can move it to "ready for review" when you think you've got it all ready to go.

andrewgodwin avatar Sep 26 '21 16:09 andrewgodwin

mypy seems not to support paramspec yet so this might take a little while unless you want to switch to pyright or pyre

shughes-uk avatar Sep 26 '21 19:09 shughes-uk

I'm not really feeling like switching typechecker right at this moment, unfortunately. Sorry for delaying this yet further!

andrewgodwin avatar Oct 04 '21 01:10 andrewgodwin

This is a first pass draft, fairly sure it's broken for python versions lower than 3.8.

typing_extensions.ParamSpec has been backported to python 3.6 so it should still work fine.

Seems to work but i'm not sure how to test it right this moment, i'm used to using pyright and will have to investigate how to use mypy

mypy on pypi currently doesn't support ParamSpec, but now that and and have been merged the version on m*ster at least treats ParamSpec as Any so as soon as mypy releases this change will be no worse for mypy users.

One thing that confused me a bit is that the async_to_sync function accepts awaitable but it actually seems to be looking for a callable that returns an awaitable? I could use some clarification there.

That should definitely be a Callable[P, Awaitable[R]]

I'm also not sure what naming convention to use for the TypeVar/Paramspec pairs.

you can just use:

P = ParamSpec("P")
R = TypeVar("R")

you don't need define new ParamSpec placeholder variables for every use - you can use the same one over and over.

Looks like I also introduce some formatting errors to correct!

graingert avatar Oct 15 '21 08:10 graingert

Made a little more progress.

  • Switching to using the main mypy branch for now (to be resolved before merging).
  • Mypy seems to not like combining paramspec with generics
  • Future is only generic in 3.9+ and will throw exceptions in previous versions, removed it for now

shughes-uk avatar Oct 19 '21 00:10 shughes-uk

Not entirely sure whats going on but the checks appears to have been running for many hours 😱

shughes-uk avatar Oct 19 '21 06:10 shughes-uk

Future is only generic in 3.9+ and will throw exceptions in previous versions, removed it for now

You'll need to use a forward reference with "Future[R]"

graingert avatar Oct 19 '21 06:10 graingert

3.9 Tests are passing and these are the mypy issues left. Most of which seem to be caused by mypy not recognizing Generic's can accept ParamSpecs.

asgiref/ error: Free type variable expected in Generic[...]
asgiref/ error: "Callable[..., Awaitable[R]]" has no attribute "__self__"
asgiref/ error: Name "P.args" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.kwargs" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.args" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.kwargs" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Free type variable expected in Generic[...]
asgiref/ error: Name "P.args" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.kwargs" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Argument 1 to "get" of "ContextVar" has incompatible type "None"; expected "Union[ContextVar[str], str]"
asgiref/ error: Returning Any from function declared to return "R"
asgiref/ error: Function is missing a return type annotation
asgiref/ error: Name "P.args" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.kwargs" is not defined
asgiref/ error: "SyncToAsync" expects 1 type argument, but 2 given
asgiref/ error: Invalid location for ParamSpec "P"
asgiref/ note: You can use ParamSpec as the first argument to Callable, e.g., 'Callable[P, int]'
asgiref/ error: "SyncToAsync" expects 1 type argument, but 2 given
asgiref/ error: Invalid location for ParamSpec "P"
asgiref/ note: You can use ParamSpec as the first argument to Callable, e.g., 'Callable[P, int]'

shughes-uk avatar Oct 19 '21 18:10 shughes-uk

3.9 Tests are passing and these are the mypy issues left. Most of which seem to be caused by mypy not recognizing Generic's can accept ParamSpecs.

asgiref/ error: Free type variable expected in Generic[...]
asgiref/ error: "Callable[..., Awaitable[R]]" has no attribute "__self__"
asgiref/ error: Name "P.args" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.kwargs" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.args" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.kwargs" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Free type variable expected in Generic[...]
asgiref/ error: Name "P.args" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.kwargs" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Argument 1 to "get" of "ContextVar" has incompatible type "None"; expected "Union[ContextVar[str], str]"
asgiref/ error: Returning Any from function declared to return "R"
asgiref/ error: Function is missing a return type annotation
asgiref/ error: Name "P.args" is not defined
asgiref/ error: Name "P.kwargs" is not defined
asgiref/ error: "SyncToAsync" expects 1 type argument, but 2 given
asgiref/ error: Invalid location for ParamSpec "P"
asgiref/ note: You can use ParamSpec as the first argument to Callable, e.g., 'Callable[P, int]'
asgiref/ error: "SyncToAsync" expects 1 type argument, but 2 given
asgiref/ error: Invalid location for ParamSpec "P"
asgiref/ note: You can use ParamSpec as the first argument to Callable, e.g., 'Callable[P, int]'

Is there a ticket for this in mypy? I think it's supposed to be ignored

graingert avatar Oct 19 '21 19:10 graingert

Is there a ticket for this in mypy? I think it's supposed to be ignored created one with minimal reproduction code

shughes-uk avatar Oct 19 '21 19:10 shughes-uk

3.6 tests are failing with a circular import caused by the context shenanigans on Local. Looks kinda tricky to solve

shughes-uk avatar Oct 19 '21 19:10 shughes-uk

@andrewgodwin @graingert I've updated this with a workaround based on the current (unreleased) mypy version. Temporarily installing mypy from the git version. Once mypy cuts a release this should be good to go. No generics required, but maybe a little hacky.

Other option is to wait for generic support in mypy and a release. Which who knows maybe that'll happen before the next release rendering the workaround redundant.

shughes-uk avatar Nov 25 '21 22:11 shughes-uk

Will current versions of mypy-in-the-wild choke on the new stuff, btw, or will they ignore it and not typecheck it? Considering the type annotations here are mostly for the benefit of users rather than asgiref itself, I want to ensure it's not going to torpedo current users.

andrewgodwin avatar Nov 29 '21 21:11 andrewgodwin

Sadly mypy 0.910 will choke on this. I think the work-around is to provide these aliases in a new module eg asgiref.sync_paramspec

graingert avatar Nov 29 '21 21:11 graingert

Yes this will blow up on wild mypy. Once they roll out a new release this could be merged without too much worry unless you intend for backwards compatibility with older mypy versions.

shughes-uk avatar Nov 30 '21 02:11 shughes-uk

Ugh, yeah, this is tricky because end-users mypy installations is the thing we care about at the end of the day. No way to somehow erase ParamSpec and fall back to Any or something on those older versions, I'm guessing?

andrewgodwin avatar Dec 04 '21 18:12 andrewgodwin

mypy 0.930 is out with experimental support for ParamSpec!

This is particularly good as it has support for Generic[P, R]

graingert avatar Dec 22 '21 18:12 graingert

Given that Python 3.6 is no longer supported as of asgiref version 3.5.0, is now a good time to revisit this discussion? Sorry, I've just been following along here and am really excited to see this feature land at some point 😄

lexicalunit avatar Jan 25 '22 13:01 lexicalunit

Maybe? I don't keep tight track of typing stuff right now so I'm not quite sure where things sit in terms of this working with 3.7.

andrewgodwin avatar Jan 29 '22 19:01 andrewgodwin

All versions of python support ParamSpec, even Python 2.7 all you need to do is import it in an "if TYPE_CHECKING:" block, or use the typing_extensions backport

graingert avatar Jan 29 '22 19:01 graingert